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On-Line Workshops

Free Workshops
Fee-Based Workshops
Other Directories
- AlienFlower Poetry Workshop
- You'll find here discussions of various aspects of writing, some writing exercises, and
a chance to get critiques of your own work.
- Atlantic Monthly's
Post and Riposte
- One of the forums is devoted to a Writers Workshop.
- Fictech for
Novelists' Inner Circle
- An on-line "Club for Writers" in which some of the discussion is devoted to
critiques of members' work.
- Literature
Online's Writer-in-Residence
- Includes a forum in which participants can critique each other's work, and each week the
writer-in-residence critiques one of the poems posted in this forum.
- The On-Line Writery
- Forums for both poetry and fiction, devoted mostly to workshop-style feedback on
original writing. Sponsored by the University of Missouri-Columbia.
- Poets & Writers Speakeasy
- This discussion forum includes a conference called "Your Writing," which is
devoted to an informal workshop for poetry, fiction, and essays.
- Poetry Society of America Poetry
- Under construction.
- Writer's Forums
- Forums devoted to critiques of many genres of writing, including poetry and fiction. Run
jointly by Inkspot and The Writer's BBS.
- Writers' Village University
- Most of the courses offered are fee-based, but a few are free.
- Zeugma
- Poetry workshop. Members must apply for admission. Also offers a mailing list for
- AlienFlower Poetry Workshop
- Several workshops taught by Tom Williams for a weekly fee.
- CU Online
- Creative writing is among the on-line subjects offered by the University of Colorado.
- Mt. San Antonio College (California)
- Offers creative writing among its accredited distance education classes.
- New School for Social Research (DIAL program)
- Poetry and fiction writing classes that can be taken for college credit are among the
DIAL program's extensive on-line offerings.
- Syracuse University
- A fiction workshop is offered by the University's Continuing Education Program.
- University of California Extension Online
- Accredited fiction-writing classes are sometimes among the offerings of this on-line
collaboration between the University of California, Berkeley, and the Center for Media and
Independent Learning.
- Accredited creative writing classes are offered by the UCLA Extension.
- The Write Site
- An independent "on-line writing lab."
- Writers' Village University
- Noncredit workshops and seminars at different levels in poetry and fiction.
- University Links
- Links to over 50 distance education programs sponsored by educational institutions
across the country. Many include creative writing courses.
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