- 2River
- Online chapbook series.
- 9th St.
- Chapbooks of experimental poetry published in conjunction with Experioddi(cyber)cist
- Coach House Books
- Poetry and fiction. All books can be ordered on-line and some can be read on-line in
their entirety. Readers are encouraged to "tip" the authors of the electronic
texts by making a small payment.
- Contemporary American Poetry
- Makes available out-of-print volumes of poetry in their entirety on-line. Currently
offers over two dozen books, including those by William Matthews, Edwin Honig, and Robert
- Cune Press
- Currently offers only a catalog of printed books, including fiction, but will begin
publishing on-line books in the future. Also runs a literary agency that lets editors and
readers look at unpublished manuscripts on-line.
- Curbstone Press
- Site includes excerpts from publications and interviews with authors.
- Graywolf Press
- This widely respected small press has been publishing poetry, fiction, and nonfiction
for over 20 years.
- GRIST On-Line
- A selection of poetry chapbooks.
- Gutter Press
- Poetry and fiction.
- Hard Shell Word Factory
- Electronic fiction for sale on disk or in downloadable format. Most of the work is genre
fiction--mysteries, romances, and so on--but there are a few works of a more literary
nature as well.
- Kelsey St. Press
- Poetry and fiction by women.
- Light and Dust Mobile
Anthology of Poetry
- Complete books of poetry on-line, mostly by experimental writers, including Theodore
Enslin, Maureen Owen, and many others, some previously published in paper and now out of
print. Hosted by the GRIST On-Line site.
- The Literary Review Web
Chapbook Series
- This joint project of The Literary Review and Web del Sol presents chapbooks by
poets and fiction writers (there will be 11 when the project is complete). Excerpts from
the books will also appear in print.
- March Street Press
- Poetry and fiction. The catalog contains excerpts from printed books and the Library
contains books in electronic format. You'll also find two online magazines.
- Meow Press
- Books by experimental writers, including many Language poets. Currently only a catalog
of printed books is available on the site, but books on-line will be added in the future.
- Milkweed Editions
- Poetry, fiction, and nonfiction from a quality small press. Offers work on-line by some
of its authors. Also offers an e-verse service that will e-mail a poem to subscribers
every week.
- Pleasure Boat Studio
- New publisher of poetry and fiction. Currently offers only a handful of titles.
- Quarterly Review of
Literature Poetry Series
- Long-running series of poetry books that began as a magazine in 1943. Publishes several
books together as a single annual volume.
- RIF/T Chapbook Extensions
- A large collection of chapbooks of experimental poetry published by the on-line magazine
RIF/T, a product of the Electronic Poetry Center. Includes many works in
- The Runaway Spoon Press
- Specializes in visual poetry, but also other types of poetry and prose. Bob Grumman,
- Star Thrower Publishing
- Literary fiction and autobiography, all published on-line.
- Sun & Moon Press
- Site includes an on-line magazine consisting of selections from recent Sun & Moon
- Whistle Press
- Offers a few chapbooks of poetry readable on-line or in downloadable Adobe Acrobat
- Xenos Books
- Poetry and fiction. This publisher offers not only excerpts from the books it publishes,
but also excerpts from worthy manuscripts it received but didn't have the resources to
Petals List of Small Press Publishers |