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Magazine also published
in print, with full text appearing on-line. |
Magazine also published
in print, with only excerpts appearing on-line. (In these entries, the listing of genres
and authors published applies only to the work appearing on the Web.) |
Offers recorded
readings of poetry or fiction. |
Some of the poetry or
fiction incorporates animation or hypertext. |
Highly recommended. |
Site has moved and new
URL is not yet available. |
- The 2River View
- Poetry, art, essays. Published quarterly since 1996 by 2River, which
also publishes occasional chapbooks by individual authors. Work by Robert Creeley.
- Abraxus Reader
- Poetry, fiction. Readers can customize what the magazine shows them.
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews. An important and influential literary magazine in
print for more than 25 years. Work by Louise Glück, Adrienne Rich, Mark Strand, Hayden
- The Alsop Review
- Poetry, fiction, reviews. One of the poems found here is James Kirkup's homoerotic poem
"The Love That Dares To Speak Its Name," which is banned from publication in
England on the grounds of blasphemy. Extensive selection of poetry by Frank Stanford. No
unsolicited submissions.
- Anabasis Electronic
- Poetry. This magazine and its predecessor, the Vision Project (which is also
on-line here), are devoted to experimental work.
- Angel Exhaust
- Poetry, reviews, interviews. The site offers the full contents of the printed issues,
which appear sporadically from England. Experimental work.
- Atlantic
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, interviews. The site offers the entire contents of
each printed issue of the well-known general-interest magazine, supplemented by new
literary material not available in print. Poems archived in the Poetry Pages are
often accompanied by audio recordings of the author reading the work. There's also
an on-line forum for discussing art and literature. Among the recorded poets are Stanley
Plumly, Stanley Kunitz, Linda Pastan, Robert Pinsky, Donald Hall.
- B&A New Fiction
- Fiction, reviews. Excerpts from the print edition of "the best-selling fiction
magazine in Canada." Beginning in Fall 1998, a new section called
Interrobang will publish hypertext fiction on the Web site.
- Beloit Poetry Journal
- Poetry. Samples from a few recent issues of a poetry magazine that has been in print for
nearly 50 years.
- Black Ice: Fiction for a Wired Nation
- Fiction. Work with an "Avant-Pop" slant, emphasizing sex, violence, pop
culture, and formal experimentation. "Degenerative prose for the hungry masses."
Part of the Alt-X site. Work by Ronald Sukenick, Stephen Dixon, Mark Amerika.
- Blood Alley
- Poetry and fiction.
- The Blue Moon Review
- Poetry, fiction, reviews, essays. Formerly called The Blue Penny Quarterly.
Includes several readings with musical accompaniment. Work by Bob Holman, Ronald Wallace,
Edward Falco, Robert Sward.
- Bold Type
- Poetry, fiction. Novel excerpts, stories, and poems from books published by Random
House. Extensive selection of audio recordings. Work by Martin Amis, Bret Easton Ellis,
John Updike, Tom Wolfe.
- The Bridge
- Poetry, fiction, reviews, photos.
- BullHead Electric: An
On-Line Journal of New Poetry, Graphics, Reviews, News
- Poetry, reviews, art. After 8 issues as a print magazine, this publishing venture has
now gone entirely on-line. A few samples from the printed back issues are available. Many
works of visual poetry and one hypertext piece. Work by Clayton Eshleman, antler, Rochelle
- Chicago Review
- Poetry, fiction. (Also reviews, essays, and interviews in print version.) A meager
selection from the current printed issue. Published by the University of Chicago. Founded
in 1946.
- Common Boundaries
- Poetry, fiction, art, comics, articles about contemporary culture. The Web site is an
outgrowth of an alternative art gallery and performance space of the same name.
- Conjunctions
- Poetry, fiction, drama, essays, interviews, art. The printed magazine is one of
the foremost vehicles for innovative writing. Only selections from the printed
magazine are offered, but these are often substantial: for example, the complete text of
Robert Coover's novella Briar Rose. Also recordings of songs and performance
pieces in Real Audio format. Work by John Ashbery, Bruce Andrews, John Barth, Robert Olen
Butler, Robert Coover, Robert Creeley, Joyce Carol Oates, and many other important
- The Cortland Review
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, interviews. Well-designed, consistently interesting,
and particularly notable for its interviews with Robert Pinsky, Robert Creeley, Charles
Simic, Henry Taylor, Neal Bowers. Audio of many authors reading their work. Work by Philip
Dacey, Mark Halperin, Thomas Lux, Lyn Lifshin.
- Cream City Review
- Poetry, fiction, essays. Published by students at the University of Wisconsin,
- CrossConnect
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, interviews, art. Excellent, eclectic selection of
writing, with a few audio recordings. Published in association with the University of
Pennsylvania. Selected work from the Web site also appears in an annual printed volume.
Work by Harold Jaffe, Clayton Eshleman, Ron Silliman, Kimiko Hahn.
- Cune
- Fiction, essays. Presents writers "from the East and West Coasts of North
America." Published by Cune Press.
- Deluxe Rubber Chicken
- Poetry. Emphasis on experimental writing. Issue Number 3 consists of Sam Stark's book Wisconsin.
Work by Mark Amerika, Bruce Andrews, Ray Federman, Jackson Mac Low, Ron Padgett.
- the edifice: A Building
of Writing and Literature
- Poetry, fiction. Each issue devoted to a theme such as Humor or Women Writers. Elegantly
- ELF: Eclectic Literary Forum
- Poetry, fiction, essays, interviews. Back issues are gradually being archived. Will soon
offer an archive of folklore and a discussion forum. Work by William Stafford.
- Electronic Poetry Review
- Poetry, essays, reviews, interviews. A high-quality publication that features many
well-known poets. Work by Jorie Graham, Mark Strand, James Tate, Marvin Bell.
- Enterzone
- Poetry, fiction, reviews, essays, art, photos, cartoons, hypertext literature. Notable
for striking combinations of text and graphics and effective hypermedia.
- Experioddi(cyber)cist
- Poetry. Emphasis on experimental work.
- Annual anthology of "the best online-published short fiction." All stories
selected from magazines on the Web.
- Evergreen Review
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews. A longtime fixture of the print
publishing world now online.
- Exquisite Corpse: A Journal of Letters and Life
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews. Offers a small selection from the printed magazine.
Edited by Andrei Codrescu.
- Fatal Embrace
- Poetry, fiction. Part of the March Street Press site.
- Field
- Poetry. Offers a few sample poems from several issues of the important print magazine.
- FlashPoint
- "A Multidisciplinary Journal in the Arts and Politics --
Poetry, fiction, essays, and graphics along the frontier where the
arts and politics clash."
- Free Zone Quarterly: a poetry
- Poetry.
- Poetry, fiction, essays, interviews. Produced by the University of Idaho.
- Gaia: A Journal of Literary and
Environmental Arts
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, art. Stresses environmental and nature themes,
sometimes with a social or political emphasis. Strong preference for accessible narrative
styles. Most back issues are available only in Adobe Acrobat format and must be
downloaded. Work by David Ray, Peter Meinke.
- Glossolalia: Electronic
Journal for Experimental Arts
- Poetry, fiction. Experimental work that uses "all manner of unorthodox, obscure
methods of creation: cut-up, collage, direct or indirect violence to source texts,
computer-generated writing, visual poetry, automatic writing, chance
processes." Hosted by the GRIST On-Line site.
- GRIST On-Line
- Poetry, essays, reviews. Edited by John Fowler, this is one of the oldest electronic
poetry magazines. A wealth of interesting material, with an emphasis on experimental
work. Some visual poems. Early issues are in ASCII format without HTML formatting.
Work by Ron Silliman, Clayton Eshleman, David Ignatow, Armand Schwerner, Jerome
- Gruene Street: An Internet
Journal of Prose & Poetry
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews. Quality writing by less well known writers.
- Hawk
- Highbeams
- Hootenany
- Poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, art. Web version includes most of the printed
contents as well as exclusive material.
- inter\face electronic literary magazine
- Poetry. Emphasis on experimental work.
- InterText: The Online Fiction
- Fiction, including genre fiction. Readers can subscribe to have each issue e-mailed to
them. Each issue also appears on the Web site. Published since 1991.
- The Iowa Review
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, interviews. This important mainstream magazine offers
very brief extracts of selected work from each issue. An Iowa Review Web section
publishes "writing that requires an HTML environment for its presentation,"
including some hypertext. Work online by Gordon Lish, Raymond Federman.
- Jacket
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, interviews. This visually lively quarterly published
out of Sydney, Australia, combines original publications with reprinted work. The second
issue is a special John Ashbery issue. Work by Charles Bernstein, Carl Rakosi, Harry
Mathews, Ron Padgett.
- Juxta Electronic
- Poetry. Emphasis on experimental work. Over 20 issues on-line.
- Kaldron
- Visual poetry. North America's longest running visual poetry magazine has moved to the
Web. Audio and kinetic poetry will soon be included among the offerings here. Published at
the GRIST On-Line site.
- Kudzu
- Poetry, fiction, essays.
- The Lady in the Radiator
- Poetry, art. "Produced by a bunch of kids to counteract the soul draining boredom
of suburban life." Also available in print.
- The Literary Review
- Poetry, fiction. A strong showcase for international writing in translation.
Published by Fairleigh Dickinson University since 1957.
- The Little Magazine
- Poetry, fiction, art, interactive literature, multimedia literature. Work by Charles
Bernstein, Allen Ginsberg, Bob Holman, Jenny Holzer. Produced by graduate students at the
University at Albany, SUNY. Published in print for over 30 years; latest issues in
electronic media only. Makes excellent use of the electronic medium.
- Living Poets
- Poetry, essays, reviews, art. British Web magazine sponsored by Dragonheart Press.
- Mississippi Review
- Poetry, fiction, essays. Superb on-line version of the venerable magazine that has been
in print since 1970. Includes work taken from printed version, along with new work that
has never appeared in print. Edited by Frederick Barthelme. Work by Ann Beattie, John
Barth, Margaret Atwood, Rita Dove, Joyce Carol Oates, Larry McCaffery.
- Missouri Review
- Fiction, poetry, essays, reviews, interviews. Nicely produced showcase for excerpts from
the prestigious printed magazine.
- The Morpo Review
- Poetry, fiction, interviews. Includes authors' comments about each work. Chat room.
Readers can subscribe to have each issue e-mailed to them.
- Mudlark: An Electronic Journal of Poetry &
- Poems, essays. Each issue contains a chapbook-length collection of work by a single
author. Also publishes shorter selections as a series of electronic "Posters."
- The New River: A
Journal of Hypertext Literature and Art
- Hypertext poetry and fiction. Edited by Ed Falco.
- nolo (No Live
- Fiction, art. Truly unique. Intriguing composites of text, graphics, and animation.
- The North American Review
- Poetry, fiction. The printed magazine has been around since 1815, making it the oldest
literary magazine in America. The Web site is updated about once every three months.
- Literature and art, with an emphasis on integrating hypermedia into the concept
of the works. One of the most beautifully produced magazines on the Web.
- Occasional Screenful
- Oyster Boy Review
- Poetry, fiction, reviews. Published three times a year, with annual poetry issues. Work
by Lyn Lifshin, Denise Duhamel, Christy Sheffield Sanford.
- Painted Bride Quarterly
- Poetry, fiction, art.
- The Palimpsest Review
- Parting Gifts
- Poetry, fiction. Part of the March Street Press site.
- Ploughshares
- Poetry
- Poetry. One of the most renowned forums for poetry. Every week the site offers a new
selection from the current issue of the magazine. Work by W.S. Merwin, Billy Collins,
Hayden Carruth, Derek Walcott, William Matthews.
- Poetry Flash
- Poetry, essays, reviews, interviews, listings of San Francisco Bay Area poetry events.
[Site under construction as of December 1998.]
- The Poetry Review
- Poetry, essays, reviews. One of the best known British poetry
magazines. Frequent theme issues. Only excerpts from current issue available on Web site.
Work by John Ashbery, Miroslav Holub.
- POETS on the line
- Poetry. Many poems by well-known contributors. Much of the work here has already
appeared in print. Work by Diane Wakowski, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Galway Kinnell, Robert
Bly, Tom Clark.
- Postmodern
- Fiction and poetry in some issues, though the focus is on scholarly essays and
reviews related to contemporary arts and culture. Some of the literary offerings
incorporate audio, video, or hypertext. Unfortunately only the current issue is publicly
accessible. Back issues are available on-line through paid subscription to Project Muse.
Work by Kathy Acker, Robert Coover, William T. Vollmann, John Yau.
- PRISM international
- Poetry, fiction, essays. One of the oldest and most important Canadian literary
magazines, founded in 1959. Excerpts from the current issue and a year's worth of back
issues. Published by the University of British Columbia.
- The Prose Poem: An International Journal
- Prose poems, essays, reviews. Devoted exclusively to the genre of prose poetry.
- The Quarterly
- Poetry, fiction, art. A few short excerpts from the current issue of the printed
- RealPoetik
- Poetry, some fiction, essays. A subscription to this magazine will bring poems or
stories periodically to your e-mailbox. At the end of each year the work is archived
on the Web site. The site isn't much to look at, but there's fresh, lively poetry here.
Edited by Sal Salasin, who describes his venture as "the little magazine of the
vernacular, quotidian, witty and postmodern." Currently over 1,000 e-mail
subscribers. Work by Bob Holman, Richard Kostelanetz, Robert Sward, Barry Silesky.
- Recursive Angel
- Poetry, fiction, art. "An excursion into the poetics of the mind." Much of the
work has a spiritual or mystical bent to it. Published by Aslan Enterprises.
- Poetry, reviews. One of the most important vehicles for experimental poetry on-line.
Published by the Electronic Poetry Center. Work by Charles Bernstein, Robert Kelly,
Richard Kostelanetz, Kenneth Sherwood.
- Salt Hill Journal
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, interviews, art. Published by Syracuse University
English Dept. Work by Bill Knott, Albert Goldbarth. Identical in content to the printed
version of the magazine.
- Santa Fe Poetry Broadside
- Poetry. Each issue contains 12 poems, often by a single author, with a focus on local
- Sewanee Review
- Shenandoah
- Poetry, fiction. A few excerpts from recent issues.
- Silence
- Slate
- Poetry. Each issue of Microsoft's general-interest magazine features a poem selected by
Robert Pinsky, often accompanied by commentary. There's an audio recording of each poem
read by either the author or Pinsky. All poems available in the magazine's archive.
Work by well-known authors living and dead. Accessible only by paid subscription of $29.95
per year.
- Snakeskin Poetry Webzine
- Poetry. British magazine with a fondness for formal verse.
- Switched-on Gutenberg: A Global Poetry
- Poetry, reviews, art. Work by Marge Piercy, Alicia Ostriker, Galway Kinnell, Joyce Carol
- Sycamore Review
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, interviews, art. Only out-of-print back issues are
available in their entirety on-line. From the current and recent issues, only the book
reviews and artwork are on the Web site. Published by Purdue University. Work by many
well-known writers, including Derek Walcott, Charles Bukowski, Stephen Dunn, Mary Oliver,
Donald Hall, Diane Wakoski.
- Tales Multimedia Journal
- Hypertext poetry and fiction. Sponsored by the Syracuse University Creative Writing
Program and the Salt Hill Journal.
- Tender Is the Net
- The Threepenny Review
- Poetry, fiction. Excerpts from the current printed issue.
- Turbulence: New Works
for the Web
- Poetry, fiction, art. Devoted to cyberwork that uses various combinations of text,
graphics, animation, and audio in ways possible only in the electronic medium. Some works
allow reader interaction or collaboration.
- The Unit Circle
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, art. Also available in print.
- Where Literature Lives
- Selections from poetry and fiction published by Sun & Moon Press. Reviews reprinted
from other publications. More a publisher's sampler than a true magazine.
- Wise Women's Web
- "A Magazine of Women's Literature and Visual Art." Poetry, fiction, essays,
and art by mature women. Includes previously published and new work, with particular
emphasis on "writers and artists of social conscience." Daniela Gioseffi,
Editor. Work by Alicia Ostriker, Grace Paley, Stephanie Strickland.
- Zero City
- Zipzap
- Poetry, fiction, interviews, art.
- Poetry, fiction, artwork. Publishes West Coast writers.
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